Animal Disease Traceability
USDA’s final rule, Use of Electronic Identification Eartags as Official Identification in Cattle and Bison, scheduled to go into effect November 5, 2024. The resources below will help livestock markets and dealers understand the rule and make decisions on how they wish to address the rule in their own business. Every market and dealer is different and there are no one-size-fits-all solutions to deal with this rule.
Letters to USDA:
Resources for Livestock Markets and Dealers:
Flowchart for Receiving Cattle
(click image to enlarge and download)
USDA Animal Disease Traceability Site
This site contains a number of valuable links, including lists of approved electronic tags, USDA approvals, and more.
Code of Federal Regulations, Part 86 (Animal Disease Traceability)
List of Federally Approved Livestock Markets
How to Obtain a Premises Identification Number (PIN) or Location Identifier (LID)
How to Become and AIN Device Manager
Flowchart for Shipping Cattle
(click image to enlarge and download)