

We invite you to join ALMDA to promote livestock marketing and allow us to help you improve your profitability and stay current on the latest industry information.

ALMDA Membership is open to livestock markets, dealers, order buyers, and professional livestock marketers. An Associate Membership option is also available for allied industries who provide the products and services which support our members.

Membership Benefits

ALMDA membership provides benefits for everyone in a marketing operation, from ownership and general managers to office managers and support staff.

Support ALMDA Members:

  • Subject matter experts available to help with human resources, legal issues, OHSA, safety, worker’s compensation, and more.

  • Assistance with compliance for changing workplace requirements.

  • Advertising and marketing assistance

Inform ALMDA Members:

  • Timely emails and webinars on topics affecting buyers, sellers, and your business.

  • Reports and guides on key topics.

Advocate for ALMDA Members:

  • Work alongside state and federal regulatory agencies to ensure marketer’s voices are heard and considered as new policies are considered and implemented.

  • Representation with elected officials in Washington, DC and states, fighting for livestock marketing businesses at the state and federal level.